Sunday, January 02, 2005


Now don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE animals (not that way you sickos). In fact, if I was home a little more I would probably have a dog, like a lab, or maybe a retriever. Anyway, as of late, my neighbors decided to get this dog that has to be the most vocal mut I have EVER met. They let the dog out on their patio for hours at a time and the thing just sits there and barks at every little thing that moves. I'm talking leaves, people, trees blowning in the wind, etc. I love waking up at 6am to a dog barking to NOTHING on my days off. I mean come on. It'd be one thing if this dog barked at people to alert its owners of trespassers and such but Cujo here needs some serious training classes. Hmm... did you ever see the movie Son of Sam? Wasn't there a dog barking in that movie too?