Sunday, January 30, 2005

More than words...

The other day I was discussing with a friend about achieving personal goals in life. We managed to wander on to the subject of earning a college degree. They felt a tad bit discouraged because it seemed to be taking "forever", only taking classes part time. This almost automatically sent me on a trip down memory lane...

My diploma hangs securely, mounted in a cherry frame with matting and a picture of the Nittany Lion above it, on my wall. I pass it dozens of times a day, usually paying it no mind. Usually. There have been times when I'm not in such a rush, that I will stop and look at it. Read it. Remember it. Lose myself in it.

It wasn't until this conversation with my friend that I realized what it was that hung in my living room. Sure it was a diploma. Sure it was a symbol of achievement. But perhaps most importantly, it was a piece of paper a fraction of a millimeter thick that held some of the most priceless memories of my lifetime.

When I look past the writing on front, I see a significant portion of the experiences that molded me into the person I am today. I see friendships. I see random acts of stupidity. I see classes. I see a whole different life. A life of someone who wonders if he will ever land a job after college. A life of someone who wonders if he'll be able to go out with his roommates that weekend if he saves his money and eats Ramen Noodles all week.

Nostalgia is a perplexing thing. It can stop you dead in your tracks and pass time like nothing else. It can transport you instantly away from the hassles of a busy day. It can pull emotions that you're certain you packed away for good.

For me, my diploma may be the single most priceless physical thing I own. Not because of what it reads, but the story it tells whoever is willing to listen...