Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hooked on phonics worked for me...

Oh, I like games. I got this from Mike, who got it from Becky.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.

But this is a family oriented blog! I can't post from the book that's closest to me! Just kidding people.

From Success Is The Quality Of Your Journey, by Jennifer James, PH.D.:

"But don't vote out of guilt. Vote out of optimism.
It's an optimistic act to be involved in your community.
I think it's essential to your well-being and to your peace of mind.
If you drive to work, you may see people holding campaign signs."

Hmm, as I was writing this, I paged through the book and noticed that as a whole, this book is very uplifting. It's a book that someone gave me a long time ago and I shelved, never really thinking twice about. It's a series of short blog-like postings about life. Here's the post in it's entirety in case you're interested.

"All the candidates and their supporters have been reminding us
to vote. They talk about responsibility. They talk about caring,
about our community. You may say you don't care. You may feel
guilty. But don't vote out of guilt. Vote out of optimism. It's an
optimistic act to be involved in your community. I think it's
essential to your well-being and to your peace of mind. If you
drive to work, you may see people holding campaign signs.
Even though they probably got up at 6 a.m., they're cheerful and
excited, especially the children. They sense that they're involved
in something important. Get out your newspaper, get your sample
ballot, choose your candidate, choose your issues, get help if you
need it. Call your candidate's office if you want a ride to the polls,
or get an absentee ballot ahead of time.
Vote out of optimism, not pessimism.
Choose community over isolation.
Whatever the outcome, you'll be giving something good to yourself,
and maybe to the rest of us as well. "

The book is not only about voting, it covers topics on community, humor, family, you name it. I think I may actually have to sit down and read this book. Much like Tara's Fortune Cookie, this book seems to have it all figured out. Although, I would trade it for a enlightened Cookie in a heartbeat...